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Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy

All books shown on the website are in stock and ready to be shipped. Once an order is received we aim to dispatch it within the same working day


Shipping is free in the UK for orders over £1,000.  Otherwise, shipping is charged according to weight for Standard Royal Mail 48 service in the UK and Royal Mail International for overseas.  


The precise shipping values are determined during checkout. All books, regardless of value, are carefully and professionally packed, using the most up to date packing materials to ensure each book arrives in the same condition it left us.

Return & Exchange Policy

A great deal of care and meticulous research is undertaken to guarantee the authenticity and accurate description for each item on this site. 

Should you not be happy with any item, for any reason, you may return it provided you notify Lavallin's Rare Books within seven days of receipt and that the item is then returned immediately and securely. The item must be returned at your cost.  

Upon receipt of the book, we will refund full amount paid for the item within seven days.  The refund will be restricted to the cost of the item, unless, at the sole discretion of Lavallin's Rare Books, the item was inadequately described, in which case the refund will be the cost of the item, plus the cost of outgoing postage (if any), plus the reasonable cost of return postage.

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